Christmas Story and Vintage Christmas Gun Advertisements


I already wrote about remember when toy guns where a good Christmas present. .  I have bought my son two real guns over the past two Christmases and he surprised me last year with a gun, but it wasn’t just any gun.

After all the giving of the presents was over last year, my son pulls out a package.   It is rifle shaped.  I open it and it is my father-in-law’s M1A. It was my favorite gun of his. It is the original  SpringField Armory National Match and is one of the early ones, It has a 4 digital serial number 52xx.  My son had bought it from his grandfather for $100 and was giving it to me for Christmas. (His grandfather was getting rid of his guns..He is now unfortunately in a full time care facility and can no longer shoot or even possess his guns)

My 16 year old took it upon himself to convince his grandfather to sell him the gun, paid him $100 of his own money, and then hid the rifle in the trunk of my borrowed car, and drove it home. (Luckily he was not stopped, that could have been a bad incident)

Words failed me. I was so amazed at getting this gun from my son.  Here is the gun:


It is the best gift I have ever received.

Now here are some vintage advertisements about giving a gun for Christmas

Here are some advertisements from the past suggesting that guns are a good president for Christmas. And they are a very nice for Christmas.

cmas1 cmas2 cmas3 cmass4 cmass5

red_ryder_ad  Daisy-gun-ad-Christmas-e1385070921319

Ok this last one is not about guns.. It is just interesting


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